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Welcome To NIAIMT

National Institute For Automotive Inspection Maintenance & Training (NIAIMT) Silchar is the center established by NATRiP (National Automotive Testing R&D Infrastructure Project) under Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprise (MOHI&PE). The center is situated in the north east part of the country in Chachar District of Assam near Silchar. The centre has two campuses, the Dholcehere campus spread over 65 acres of land hosting the specialized hill driving training track and the Jaffirbond campus covers 20 acres of land house of other Facilities for automotive maintenance and training . NIAIMT has following three major facilities

  • Inspection &Maintenance Station (IMS).
  • Driving Training Institute (DTI).
  • Mechanics Training Institute (MTI).

Provide state-of-art training facility and automobile inspection & maintenance facility in the north-east part of the country.

Recent Activities

2 Days RPL for Commercial Vehicle Service Technicians sponsored by Timken India Ltd.

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1st phase completion of Skill Driving Training Project Sponsored by Govt. of Assam

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Training for experienced POL Tank Truck drivers on Hazardous Goods

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Free Of Cost Short Term Training (STT) Courses

Enroll For NSQF Level Courses Affiliated And Recognized By Govt. Call +919401079374 or visit office.

Free-of-cost Skill Driving Training program sponsored by Govt. of Assam

NIAIMT is imparting Skill Driving Training to youths from all LACs in Cachar district, as per the scheme directed by the Honourable CM of Assam.